Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Light Bulb Ban in EU | U.S., Canada Slow to Keep Up

Europeans stock up on incandescent bulbs

That's no message in a bottle. There's a light bulb ban on, and that's an enemy of green living. Destroy! (Photo: flickr.com)

That's no message in a bottle. There's a light bulb ban on, and that's an enemy of green living. Destroy! (Photo: flickr.com)

This reminds me of when Americans were stocking up on firearms as the fear of Obama clawed at their hearts. Unfounded or not, when there’s talk that something people need or like is perhaps going to be taken away, people race to the stores and fill their arms with as many of the offending items as they can carry to the register and out the door. In a similar fashion, if governments begin to crack down on small-scale consumer money lenders, you’ll see a drive for loans before the fall.

But what about the light bulb ban?

According to the New York Times, the European Union (EU) has restricted the sale of incandescent bulbs across Europe in an effort to combat global warming and save energy. Now shops can’t buy or import incandescent frosted glass bulbs; retailers are being allowed to sell out their stock. The United States and Canada expect to follow a similar path by 2012. We’ll see. I’m not sure how much faith I have in America’s ability to do anything quickly, unless it’s Cash for Clunkers (and that was done TOO quickly). … click here to read the rest of the article titled “Light Bulb Ban in EU | U.S., Canada Slow to Keep Up

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