Thursday, November 12, 2009

Airplanes are a massive flying vehicle in a way



It can transport hundreds of people at a time and/or hundreds of things. In my own opinion airplanes are vary scary.

I have never been on one but I am always scared that if I would get on one that it would crash. I have heard that you are more likely to get into a car wreck then a plane wreck but the only difference is if you get into a plane wreck the likely hood of you living is very minimal.

Also if you do not mind the longer trip to get somewhere driving places has its advantages. You get a lot of places to can stop at and check out. You also get a different kind of scenery everywhere except just looking at the clouds or the sky the hole time. Also after hearing about plane hijackings and so forth I am scarred to death of getting on a plane.

In the end the plane ride is much faster and cheaper but scarier and not as fun.

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