Thursday, September 23, 2010

There might be man powered cars on the roads soon

In the classic Hanna-Barbera cartoon “The Flintstones,” automobiles were all powered by foot. The first car driven by man power on a large scale was the bicycle. There hasn’t been a titanic amount of improvement on that basic mechanism. Some slight changes have been made. There is a fairly large break through that’s about to be hitting town roads. A design firm out of Oregon has come up with a car that can sustain speeds of about 30 mph, with electric assistance. The vehicle can give you a workout and get you around without needing to fill it up. Source of article – Human- powered cars aren’t just for the Flintstones by Car Deal Expert.

The HumanCar

Charles Greenwood saw the opportunity for a human powered car for urban applications within the late ’60s. Since then, he has worked with a team of designers and other engineers coming up with car that can operate at motor car speeds without a gas engine. The automobile also provides a great workout, and produces zero emissions. You will find already 100 orders in. According to the Daily Mail, once orders hit 800 full production will start. The business has already done the math. Once full capacity production begins, it will already be profitable.

Rowing a customer base

The driving action is more rowing than pedaling. The HumanCar Imagine PS will very easily hold at 25 to 30 mph, however experimental models have been clocked at 60 mph. It seats four, however if fewer than three individuals are aboard, the motor could be used as a boost. Turning is done by leaning. Greenwood is older than 60 and routinely drives one, and part of the testing was using senior citizens to drive it, according to the HumanCar website, so it is not solely for the uber-fit.

Old ideas still work

The HumanCar is a good concept for neighborhood range trips. The DOT has already given it the seal of approval for exactly those purposes. This is not in any way the first foray into advanced human powered vehicles. Other things like man run airplanes like the Gossamer Condor and Gossamer Albatross are cool, however have no consumer purpose. Interestingly, “The Flintstones” may have inspired a vehicle for the future.

Further reading

Daily Mail

Human Car

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