Saturday, December 11, 2010

Facebook numbers in status update communications keeping secrecy

If you are on Facebook, you’ve no doubt seen the overrun of numbers in Facebook status messages. These numbers in status update messages on Facebook are simply a way of sending semi-public, semi-private messages. This “Numbers Game” is intended to be fun. Some anti-bullying activists are worried, however. Be cautious when playing this game since you never know what may be said. For example, should you owe someone cash they might just make a comment on how you are unable to pay back your payday loan.

numbers in Facebook statuses

numbers in Facebook status messages followed by a message on Facebook status' has been confusing many. You may be wondering what is happening. It isn't too hard to determine what the Facebook numbers in communications are. A message has to be put on the status with something about another friend on Facebook. This is only done if you have received a personal message from somebody with a number in it in order to do this. Several say you should put "what you really think" about that person, what you wish you can do with them or even the first memory with them.

Could it be bullying with Facebook numbers in status update messages

Anti-bullying activists have elevated concern over the Facebook numbers in status communications. The chance to say whatever you would like about a person on Facebook is there. This makes it easier to be negative. A comment is supposed to only be given to those who ask for the comment if the game is "played correctly". While this does not remove all possibility of bullying, it doesn’t exactly invite it either.

Reason for statuses on Facebook having figure

The numbers in Facebook messages were done before the "numbers game". In the past, numbers with no comment have been used to indicate what types of undergarments are being worn or the age individuals were during particular “firsts.”. The study of a social communication and group-based context communication is what makes the Facebook numbers in status messages most interesting. In short, the Facebook numbers in messages can mean different things to different groups, depending on the context of the situation.

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