Saturday, February 5, 2011

Candlemas becomes the day for Punxsutawney Phil

Feb. 2 is a day for celebration around the globe, for a wide variety of reasons. Some traditions mark February 2 as Candlemas, Imbolic, or a day of purification. No matter what your tradition, Groundhog Day is a day to ask a small creature if springtime is coming — which, in and of itself, has traditional roots. It’s getting close to the time to take out a cash advance and plan your spring trip. Source for this article – How Candlemas and Imbolic became Punxsutawney Phil's Day by MoneyBlogNewz.

The beginning of Candlemas

In the “wheel of the year,” the division of the year according to the seasons, Feb. 2 is a “cross-quarter” day; it’s halfway amongst equinox and solstice. In order to grow grain, this day was to prepare soil in agrarian society. Much of the plowing work was often done within the dark portion of the day, requiring candles. "Candle mass" was used to symbolize renewal, purification and the new year dawning.

Candlemas all over the world

European countries have a different name for Candlemas. "Imbolic" is this name. The word comes from “Ol-melc,” meaning ewe’s milk, because the sheep started giving milk again after winter. A goddess statue was often washed and carried through the fields in order to commemorate the coming planting and harvest. The day is recognized by Jewish and Christian tradition as well. St. Brigid is the Christian patron saint of grain, and her day is often recognized by planting seeds and baking bread. Candlemas/Imbolic is also the day 40 days after the day the birth of Jesus is celebrated, making it the date that the Jewish Mary would have purified herself. In short, it’s a day of purification, planting and honoring of the coming growing season.

Candlemas to Groundhog Day celebration changes

Humans would start, with animals too, to leave the house and work within the fields again during Imbolic or Candlemas. There were 18th century German settlers that brought over a tradition to go with Candlemas. On that day, if a groundhog saw its shadow, then that meant there would be six more weeks of winter ahead. February 2, 1887, was the first time that Punxsutawney Phil had to come out of his hole to predict the weather. About 39 percent of the time, Punxsutawney Phil is right. You may use February 2 to watch Punxsutawney Phil come out of it his hole, to celebrate Mary's purification, to commemorate Dt. Brigid's Day, to commemorate Imbolic, or even to Commemorate Candlemas. No matter what, it is a day that shows springtime will soon be here.

Articles cited

School of the Seasons

The Telegraph

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