Friday, November 5, 2010

Election results might not be a cause to cheer

The 2010 election had some results that were very surprising and some not so surprising. For instance, the House of Representatives is now dominantly Republican. The Senate, on the other hand, has to hold on to a Democrat majority. The Tea Party Candidates had a mixed record. Congress, however, might be so deadlocked by party lines that it won’t be able to do anything.

Election results might be an issue

Republicans may have majority in the House of Representatives. This is only if the 2010 election voting outcomes are correct. Neither party is being very cooperative now that the Republicans could have some power. Many say that it is a bad thing for kids to stand on principle but good for officials. Congress will likely end up in a deadlock with neither party willing to work with each other. Some individuals say that's good. It really is not though. It's actually something that shouldn't take place. People who are realistic have Palin on their backs which is bad for authorities.

All the world

A hung parliament is what took place earlier this year in Great Britain. There is one explanation of a hung parliament. It is when elections make it so the legislature has an equal number of representatives. As a result, no party has a majority, and no one can get any business taken care of. The Tea Party says that this can be a good place to be in. Of course, other countries have avoided it like the United Kingdom and other parliamentary governments. Granted, there is something supposed to be special and American about anything we do as a nation, but what is bad for everyone else is probably bad for us.

It is exactly what it looks like

Boehner will always do the opposite of things Obama wants. However, he even realized that to "meet within the middle" is generally the best option, the Huffington Post accounts, when it comes to these issues. The democracy ants officials that can compromise.

Info from

Huffington Post

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