Saturday, November 27, 2010

Lisa Murkowski captures uncommon write-in triumph in AK Senate race

Joe Miller has been defeated by write-in candidate Murkowski within the AK Senate race. Though Miller has contested a good number of the ballots, the lawsuit has yet to be settled. Lisa Murkowski has a lead of over 2,000 without the contested ballots. Post resource – Lisa Murkowski wins rare write-in victory in Alaska Senate race by Personal Money Store.

Lisa Murkowski wins a write-in victory that is rare

There are some ballots in the Alaska Senate election that haven't been counted yet. Even so, the Los Angeles Times explains that Lisa Murkowski is the obvious winner. Joe Miller's campaign is fighting for a victory. This is after the campaign promised to concede if Murkowski got the majority of the votes. About 8,000 of the ballots are being disputed concerning interpretations by Miller. Since Murkowski leads with 10,000 right now, the lawsuit might be quite pointless. Even if all the votes that Miller contests are thrown out, any lead whatsoever by Murkowski seals his fate as the also-ran.

Alaska for Palin ‘refudiated’ the Tea Party

As of this morning, Murkowski had a lead of at least 2,000 votes, not counting the 8,000 contested ones. Miller might be seeking a recount. Until an official count is declared, he can't request one. Only a disqualified Murkowski would help Miller win. It appears that even in Sarah Palin's home state, Alaska voters have "refudiated" a Sarah Palin candidate. A huge slap in the face came to Sarah Palin and also the Tea Party, which supported Joe Miller, with this victory. Palin already had a bad history with Lisa Murkowski and her father since before the 2006 Republican primary Alaska gubernatorial race Palin ousted them. Palin left the post halfway through her term.

Win unlikely

Murkowksi is the first write-in candidate to win a Senate election in 56 years. The last candidate to do this was Strom Thurmond in 1954. However, the lawsuit and any requested recount might postpone her taking her seat for a while.

Info from

LA Times,0,7076827.story

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